Learning Intentions

We are learning to develop our skills as scientists by conducting a variety of investigations about SOUND and to make our own discoveries about what sound is.

Things to find out
Key Understandings:  
How sound travels...
How sound is made...
What sound needs to travel...

Investigating Sound
Skills of a Scientist
Watch very carefully and notice what really happens.

Say what you think will happen before you do an experiment and give a reason for your thinking.

Adjust and make a change to an experiment. Notice what happens when you make just one change.

Explain why something happened.  Give reasons why this happens.  Think creatively.
Asking Questions?
Why does…
How does…
What if…
What is…
How is…
Recording Observations
Scientists draw diagrams, measure things and write down results

Use this book as a record of your science learning.
Using equipment safely

Focus Questions
What is sound?
How does sound get to my ear?
How is sound made?
Your question here -
Your Thinking
What is sound?
Sound is…

Sound is made by…

Sound travels by

Topic Words – Keywords

What we did

What I observed

What I changed

What I think



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What did you learn during this investigation?
What surprised you?
What new thinking or ideas did you have?
What was your favourite experiment?
What did you find hard?